Wednesday, December 30, 2009
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Dessert Anyone?
Decided to share an amazing APPLE PIE recipe to any who are lucky enough to stumble upon it. Probably the best crumb top apple pie I have ever eaten! No exaggeration! It's a more liquid version, but gooey and delicious! :)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Empty Souls, Hollow Homes
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I feel as though I am in a slump lately. I'm not sure why. Everything seems to be going right for once. I'm home, finished with school in Tennessee, with family, with my fiance, enjoying free time, but something is off. Hmm. Christmas was excellent. Lots of time with family, both Travis' and mine. It was much-needed. I finally got a new camera that I am extremely happy with. My sisters surprised me with it on Christmas Day. Wonderful surprise! It's a Canon 1200 SD and I highly recommend it, especially for detailed close-ups with a digital... great quality and automatic scene detection! My mom just bought one today as well. Speaking of my mom, I am all shopped out. Aside from the annual Christmas shopping madness, she has drug me (willingly & unwillingly) to so many stores lately that I am over shopping (temporarily of course). This is another indicator of my slump... me? tired of shopping?... strange. I only wish I could figure out what has got me so down, it's a bit annoying really. Maybe I just need to adopt a little more creativity in my life. I haven't had any time for hobbies due to the hectic holiday festivities. It is quite possible that I just need some creative therapy. Hmm... but what to make?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
"And Every Single lie Sounds Just Like the Greatest Truth"
There’s so much on my mind.
The distance, the path, the hurdles, the time..
Running, running running..
No time to breathe.
Stop and be engulfed, surrounded, trapped.
Light is short and far-between.
Darkness protrudes like an empty reminder of my weaknesses.
Insecurities surface like warning signs differing me from the Truth.
Truth seems to be everywhere but nowhere all at once.
Surrender seems impossible.
Dreams are no longer great possibilities,
They can hurt worse than reality...
I’m grounded in my ways.
My heart is hardened to Your’s
I know better, but feel nothing anymore.
Give me feeling, the passion, the desire
Show me the way, Your way, Your desire,
Teach me, show me Your way...
And help me forget my own...
Bind my hands, my desires, my plans
Guide me, Love me, Forgive me, Help me...
LOVE (written in 2007)
It hurts. My heart does.
Whenever I think of him.
He could be the one. He doesn’t try to be.
He wants to be...someday.
That’s what he says.
But he can’t comprehend someday, let alone
And I can’t wait for “someday”.
It just hurts.
Too much to stay here.
So I have to leave- to get away...
From this waiting, wondering, wishing...
For nothing.
Or for something that might never happen.
Or might happen, someday.
But Someday is too long.
It isn’t a day. It has no length.
I can’t wait forever.
Because I want to spend my forever in his.
He is beautiful chaos. And I love that.
But now I can’t take being alone yet together.
Too many lonely nights wanting more.
From him.
Wanting him.
Hanging on every “I love you”
Every one said with breathless meaning.
Meaning that may not exist.
To me it does.
I want it to.
To him.
So I’ll give you the freedom.
The thing you need that you can’t ask for.
Because you really don’t know.
And you won’t say it.
Not out loud.
It is too loud.
Because it might be wrong.
And you can’t live with your mistakes.
You don’t make mistakes.
But inside you know you do.
You miss those nights.
The ones when laughter would take over.
When my smile would be enough.
But not now.
It’s not enough.
You don’t even see it anymore.
You just think you do.
But it’s not really there.
If you would just look deeper.
I can’t get inside your head.
Or I could tell you for sure.
But I’m restless.
And long for you.
The old you.
The one who wanted it all.
And found it all.
In me.
But you can’t be satisfied anymore.
And if you realized it...
You’d miss me.
If you realize it...
You’ll miss me.
You miss me.
I miss you.
I miss us.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Roller Coaster We Call Life...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Spring Favorites So Far!

Monday, April 20, 2009