Completing Travis & I's Save-the-Date's has been the largest item on my to-do list this week. Little did I know it would turn out to be such a struggle. I wanted to do something unique so I created my own template on Adobe Photoshop a couple of weeks ago. I purchased the paper, bought the mounting strips, stocked up on photo and magnetic paper, and printed test sheets to make sure things were on track. So one would think that it would not take long to print and assemble 100 Save the Date's. Wrong. It has been one issue after the other. First the sizes, then the clarity, now the color. For some reason the ink was printing fine last night, ran out, was replaced, and is now printing in a blue-ish tone. Frustrating! Hopefully, I can finish this battle tomorrow. Here is the progress I have made thus far...

This is the template that I designed.. I used ivory cardstock from Hobby Lobby and printed the
pink background to coordinate with our colors...

The next step was to mount the Save the Date onto the patterned paper


I decided to design it with square indicators where the pictures should be
placed in order to ensure that they remained almost identical
After the pictures were added (2) I decided to add a photo magnet to the bottom
to make it easy for our guests to remember the date

I have most of these printed, however, the printer decided to start printing them
in a blue tone, so that must be corrected before I can go any further

I think I got about 65 magnets cut out... just 35 more to go :(
Luckily, I found ivory envelopes that fit these perfectly. I was concerned about finding large enough envelopes. I did have to shrink the design a bit, but all-in-all it still looks pretty nice, wouldn't you agree? At least these lean more towards representing me opposed to store bought/ pre-ordered Save the Date's. I was able to exercise my creativity, despite the desire to do so at times. Hopefully they will be a thing of the past in just a couple more days. Talk about a relief! Wish me luck! :)