This past week I have been in the worst "Shopping Mode". I went out with my friend, Erika, last weekend and unapologetically spent way too much money on clothing and accessories. In my defense I did find some amazing deals. We went to Gabriel Brothers, which is a store that carries designer clothing at cheaper prices. It is similar to a T.J. Maxx in many ways, but you really have to weed through their racks to find great items. Then we also went to Forever 21 and Target. I probably spent around $150, but got around 20 or so new items... including: 2 cardigans, 2 tanks, 5 bracelets, 1 pair of earrings, 3 tops, a leather jacket, 1 necklace, 1 pair of jeans, 2 camis, and a new picture frame. I then went out with my mom and bought 2 yards of new fabric, some cute upholstery fabric to make a pillow, and a remnant to make floral broaches. It was a very successful weekend in terms of shopping, but not so successful in terms of saving. When will I ever learn? Needless to say, it was fun and frivolous and definitely worth it! Here are a few more things I'm loving right now:
I am absolutely in love with practically everything in Ruche's current lookbook! You can view it at Here are a few of the looks and pieces I love right now! 

Bow and Stripes Cadette Sweater $36.99

Undying Devotion Floral Top $30.99

Weaving Around Town Purse $54.99

My Everyday Adventure Bag $38.99

I found these cute pears through Google... they could be used as pin cushions or just as decorations. Either way, they are so cute!

I have already made 4 of these adorable birds! I made one to use as a pin cushion since I had nowhere to put my pins.

I want to make some into a mobile like this one:

I love how they used sticks to hang them! What a great idea!

This would be an extremely easy project:

Here is a free pattern explaining how to make these Frayed Rosettes by Jennifer Paganelli! Just click HERE! 
I think given the right fabric, they would look beautiful on necklaces!
I just watched The Back Up Plan and loved these two outfits that Jennifer Lopez wore:
Obviously I would want one that is not found in the maternity section! I bet I could make this! Or maybe I am just feeling too ambitious!
I love her dress! The rosettes are so cute along the shoulder. I would love one in a red-orange/ coral color, though.