I love being married. It's like a constant sleep over with your best friend. Travis and I have a blast together and life is great. However, there are certain things that being married has changed- like my friends situation, for instance. I feel like lately I have hardly any friends. I guess it is marriage and the fact that I am no longer in college in Tennessee. All of the friends that I made at school are hundreds of miles away either still at school or living back in their home towns all across the country. I do have a few friends from home but they seem to be either leaving for school or in "single mode", which I have nothing in common with. One of my best friends from high school who I got along great with just moved to Nashville with her sister. It has hit me harder than I expected. I do have one semi-close friend here still, but she is always going out to clubs and drinking. Now, I have nothing against either of those things, but I feel as though we can't really relate anymore because we have hardly any common interests. I have no desire to get trashed and go out to clubs and flirt with random guys. I also do not want to end up as the D.D. and chauffeur drunk girls around all of the time. What to do? What to do?
Travis has been going to school locally for the past couple of years so all of his friends are here. I don't want to make him feel obligated to hang out with me all of the time just because my friends aren't dependable. I guess it's good that I don't mind going out by myself. In fact, tonight I did just that. After dinner Travis informed me that he was going over to his friend Clay's to play pool, which he does a couple of times a week. I decided I was not going to sit alone at home with no cable and no internet and be sad. I would take myself out. I have actually had a pretty fun night. I stopped at Gabriel brothers and found a fabulous wooden frame for $3.00, a red-ish orange multi strand necklace for $2.00, and a lace blazer-style shirt for $8.00... pretty productive... although I need to calm the shopping down. On a side note I am expecting my Forever 21 package tomorrow! So very excited :)
Tomorrow my mom is coming over and we are embarking on our first sewing adventure together. She is going to get my new machine up and running and teach me a few tricks of the trade. I can't wait! My first item might have to be my lace open front vest that I can't seem to find one to buy anywhere. I might as well make myself one then!
Since I am on the topic of wants I have been in the process of making my birthday/ Christmas wish list early! Call me crazy, but with my family you have to tell them early or you'll get a bunch of random things that you really don't need. My current list looks as follows:
The Sims 3 for PS3. I feel kind of like a loser for wanting this at my age, but I used to play it all of the time when I was younger. Since we recently bought a PS3 Travis plays it all of the time, but I never have anything to play on it, so I thought this might be a fun option.

I need a new flat iron desperately! If I can't get a CHI, I guess I'll settle for this one. My sister swears by hers.

I'm pretty sure that is all I've been wanting! Hopefully I get some of these things for my birthday or Christmas! Even though my birthday isn't until November 4th :) Kind of a long ways away still!
Okay, I've been at Tim Horton's all of this time borrowing some free wifi and I think it's about time to head home and see if my husband's "pool tournament" has ended. My cappuccino is cold, I'm out of danish, it is ungodly cold in here... to the point where my fingers can hardly type, and I am a bit annoyed hearing some pubescent mini Barbie whine about a text war she is having with her current boy obsession... boy am I so happy to be out of high school, or middle school, whichever she might currently be in- or at least acting as such. Okay, obviously I'm a little on edge tonight as well! I'm off to home where my bedroom air conditioner is currently broken and I will be wishing to be this cold in about 20 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow is a beautiful day as this one has been!
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