My weekdays have been overridden with work. I have so many projects I want to complete, yet have no time to accomplish anything. By the time I get home from work in the evening, I am completely depleted and just want to relax and go to sleep. When the weekend finally rolls around, I can hardly bare to sleep as I do not want to waste a single second of my free time. Today I was able to finally pack away all of our Christmas decorations and clean the house a bit. My mom and I went out to make a few more preparations for my new vintage store which I will be opening hopefully in the next month. It was a great day! Here are a few of my recent finds/ projects that I thought I would share!
I love this lace ruffle top. I paired it with a thin braided brown belt to make it a little more fitted. Great Gabriel Bros. find for only $10!
These vintage-looking shoes are made in brazil. I also found them at Gabriel Bros. for $7! Can't wait to break them out when the weather warms up! I bought 2 new owl necklaces (because I love owls... as most do at this time). The necklace on the right was a $1.5o steal from Forever 21 and the one on the left I found on ebay!

These 3 pairs of vintage-looking earrings were also only $1.50 from Forever 21! I love their $1.50 section!
I framed a page out of an old dictionary to create this fabulous piece of vintage decor :)
The basket centerpiece I found on clearance at Target for $2.50! I've loved it for forever so you can imagine my excitement.
These two acrylic canvas paintings are two of my newest creations. It is hard to distinguish the coloring based on these photos.
I finally completed this project! I made a jewelry holder from an old embroidery hoop. I've been wanting an Eiffel Tower like this one for a long time and tonight I found one!
This is also the new owl I bought to occupy an empty space on a shelf in my living room. I love him already :)
I found these decorative balls tonight as well!
Target had sandals like these last year that I had a hard time passing up. Fortunately for me they brought them back this year! I did not make the same mistake!
Taking my love of owls into consideration, this owl on the sole of the sandals was of course a sign that I had to buy them! This record=doggy-chew toy was so cute and since I will be getting a puppy in the next few months, figured it would need a cute toy like this to play with ;)

These are 2 of the gifts I am giving my sister for her birthday next weekend! I found this adorable vintage mug at the Christmas Tree Shop for $2 "My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance". I also made her this charm bracelet with charms that describe her and her style. If you cannot see the charms very well I included: an ipod, a camera, "2011" (her graduation year), an Eiffel Tower, 2 feathers, an "A" (for Abbie), an owl, a music note, a guitar, and a tree with the word "sisters" on it. I can't wait to give it to her! I also found a bottle of moscato at Target called "Middle Sister Sweet & Sassy" It's such a cute line and since she is the middle sister, I had to get one for her. I can't wait until my sisters come home next weekend! I've missed them!
Okay, that's all for now! xoxo